Posts with the Tag RegTAP:

  • A New Constraint Class in PyVO's Registry API: UAT

    A scan of a book page: lots of astronomy-relevant topics ranging from "Cronometrie" to "Kosmologie, Relativitätstheorie".  Overlaid a title page stating "Astronomischer Jahresbericht.  Die Literatur des Jahres 1967".

    This was how they did what I am talking about here almost 60 years ago: a page of the table of contents of the “Astronomischer Jahresbericht” for 1967, the last volume before it was turned into the English-language Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, which were the main tool for literature work in astronomy until the ADS came along in the late 1990ies.

    I have recently created a pull request against pyVO to furnish the library with a new constraint to search for data and services: Search by a concept drawn from the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus UAT. This is not entirely different from the classical search by subject keywords that was what everyone did before we had the ADS, which is what I am trying to illustrate above. But it has some twists that, I would argue, still make it valuable even in the age of full-text indexes.

    To make my argument, let me first set the stage.

    Thesauri and the UAT

    (Disclaimer: I am currently a member of the UAT steering committee and therefore cannot claim neutrality. However, I would not claim neutrality otherwise, either: the UAT is not perfect, but it's already great)

    Librarians (and I am one at heart) love thesauri. Or taxonomies. Or perhaps even ontologies. What may sound like things out of a Harry Potter novel are actually ways to organise a part of the world (a “domain”) into “concepts”. If you are suitably minded, you can think of a “concept“ as a subset of the domain; “suitably minded“ here means that you consider the world as a large set of things and a domain a subset of this world. The IVOA Vocabularies specification contains some additional philosophical background on this way of thinking in sect. 5.2.4.

    On this other hand, if you are not suitably minded, a “concept” is not much different from a topic.

    There are differences in how each of thesaurus, taxonomy, and ontology does that organising (and people don't always agree on the differences). Ontologies, for instance, let you link concepts in every way, as in “a (bicycle) (is steered) (using) a (handle bar) (made of) ((steel) or (aluminum))“; every parenthesised phrase would be a node (which is a better term in ontologies than “concept”) in a suitably general ontology, and connecting these nodes creates a fine-graned representation of knowledge about the world.

    That is potentially extremely powerful, but also almost too hard for humans. Check out WordNet for how far one can take ontologies if very many very smart people spend very many years.

    Thesauri, on the other hand, are not as powerful, but they are simpler and within reach for mere humans: there, concepts are simply organised into something like a tree, perhaps (and that is what many people would call a taxonomy) using is-a relationships: A human is a primate is a mammal is a vertebrate is an animal. The UAT actually is using somewhat vaguer notions called “narrower” and “wider”. This lets you state useful if somewhat loose relationships like “asteroid-rotation is narrower than asteroid-dynamics”. For experts: The UAT is using a formalism called SKOS; but don't worry if you can't seem to care.

    The UAT is standing on the shoulders of giants: Before it, there has been the IAU thesaurus in 1993, and an astronomy thesaurus was also produced under the auspices of the IVOA. And then there were (and to some extent still are) the numerous keyword schemes designed by journal publishers that would also count as some sort of taxonomy or astronomy.

    “Numerous” is not good when people have to assign keywords to their journal articles: If A&A use something drastically or only subtly different from ApJ, and MNRAS still something else, people submitting to multiple journals will quite likely lose their patience and diligence with the keywords. For reasons I will discuss in a second, that is a shame.

    Therefore, at least the big American journals have now all switched to using UAT keywords, and I sincerely hope that their international counterparts will follow their example where that has not already happened.

    Why Keywords?

    Of course, you can argue that when you can do full-text searches, why would you even bother with controlled keyword lists? Against that, I would first argue that it is extremely useful to have a clear idea of what a thing is called: For example, is it delta Cephei stars, Cepheids, δ Cep stars or still something else? Full text search would need to be rather smart to be able to sort out terminological turmoil of this kind for you.

    And then you would still not know if W Virginis stars (or should you say “Type II Cepheids”? You see how useful proper terminology is) are included in whatever your author called Cepheids (or whatever they called it). Defining concepts as precisely as possible thus is already great.

    The keyword system becomes even more useful when the hiearchy we see in the Cepheid example becomes visible to computers. If a computer knows that there is some relationship between W Virgins stars and classical Cepheids, it can, for instance, expand or refine your queries (“give me data for all kinds of Cepheids”) as necessary. To give you an idea of how this looks in practice, here is how SemBaReBro displays the Cepheid area in the UAT:

    Arrows between texts like "Type II Cepheid variable stars", "Cepheid variable stars", and "Young disk Cepheid variable stars"

    In that image, only concepts associated with resources in the Registry have a spiffy IVOA logo; that so few VO resources claim to deal with Cepheids tells you that our data providers can probably improve their annotations quite a bit. But that is for another day; the hope is that as more people search using UAT concepts, the data providers will see a larger benefit in choosing them wisely[1].

    By the way, if you are a regular around here, you will have seen images like that before; I have talked about Sembarebro in 2021 already, and that post contains more reasons for having and maintaining vocabularies.

    Oh, and for the definitions of the concepts, you can (in general; in the UAT, there are still a few concepts without definitions) dereference the concept URI, which in the VO is always of the form <vocabulary uri>#<term identifier>, where the vocabulary URI starts with, after which there is the vocabulary name.

    Thus, if you point your web browser to[2], you will learn that a Cepheid is:

    A class of luminous, yellow supergiants that are pulsating variables and whose period of variation is a function of their luminosity. These stars expand and contract at extremely regular periods, in the range 1-50 days [...]

    The UAT constraint

    Remember? This was supposed to be a blog post about a new search constraint in pyVO. Well, after all the preliminaries I can finally reveal that once pyVO PR #649 is merged, you can search by UAT concepts:

    >>> from pyvo import registry
    >>> print("variable-stars")))
    <DALResultsTable length=2010>
                  ivoid               ...
                  object              ...
    --------------------------------- ...
             ivo://cds.vizier/b/corot ...
              ivo://cds.vizier/b/gcvs ...
               ivo://cds.vizier/b/vsx ...
              ivo://cds.vizier/i/280b ...
               ivo://cds.vizier/i/345 ...
               ivo://cds.vizier/i/350 ...
                                  ... ...
                ivo://cds.vizier/v/97 ...
             ivo://cds.vizier/vii/293 ...
       ivo://org.gavo.dc/apass/q/cone ...
    ivo://org.gavo.dc/bgds/l/meanphot ...
         ivo://org.gavo.dc/bgds/l/ssa ...
         ivo://org.gavo.dc/bgds/q/sia ...

    In case you have never used pyVO's Registry API before, you may want to skim my post on that topic before continuing.

    Since the default keyword search also queries RegTAP's res_subject table (which is what this constraint is based on), this is perhaps not too exciting. At least there is a built-in protection against typos:

    >>> print("varialbe-stars")))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/home/msdemlei/gavo/src/pyvo/pyvo/registry/", line 713, in __init__
        raise dalq.DALQueryError(
    pyvo.dal.exceptions.DALQueryError: varialbe-stars does not identify an IVOA uat concept (see

    It becomes more exciting when you start exploiting the intrinsic hierarchy; the constraint constructor supports optional keyword arguments expand_up and expand_down, giving the number of levels of parent and child concepts to include. For instance, to discover resources talking about any sort of supernova, you would say:

    >>> print("supernovae", expand_down=10)))
    <DALResultsTable length=593>
                     ivoid                   ...
                     object                  ...
    ---------------------------------------- ...
                       ivo://cds.vizier/b/sn ...
                     ivo://cds.vizier/ii/159 ...
                     ivo://cds.vizier/ii/189 ...
                     ivo://cds.vizier/ii/205 ...
                    ivo://cds.vizier/ii/214a ...
                     ivo://cds.vizier/ii/218 ...
                                         ... ...
               ivo://cds.vizier/j/pasp/122/1 ...
           ivo://cds.vizier/j/pasp/131/a4002 ...
               ivo://cds.vizier/j/pazh/30/37 ...
              ivo://cds.vizier/j/pazh/37/837 ...
    ivo:// ...
                    ivo://mast.stsci/candels ...

    There is no overwhelming magic in this, as you can see when you tell pyVO to show you the query it actually runs:

    >>> print(registry.get_RegTAP_query(registry.UAT("supernovae", expand_down=10)))
      [crazy stuff elided]
    (ivoid IN (SELECT DISTINCT ivoid FROM rr.res_subject WHERE res_subject in (
      'core-collapse-supernovae', 'hypernovae', 'supernovae',
      'type-ia-supernovae', 'type-ib-supernovae', 'type-ic-supernovae',
    GROUP BY [whatever]

    Incidentally, some services have an ADQL extension (a “user defined function“ or UDF) that lets you do these kinds of things on the server side; that is particularly nice when you do not have the power of Python at your fingertips, as for instance interactively in TOPCAT. This UDF is:

    gavo_vocmatch(vocname STRING, term STRING, matchagainst STRING) -> INTEGER

    (documentation at the GAVO data centre). There are technical differences, some of which I try to explain in amoment. But if you run something like:

    SELECT ivoid FROM rr.res_subject
    WHERE 1=gavo_vocmatch('uat', 'supernovae', res_subject)

    on the TAP service at, you will get what you would get with registry.UAT("supernovae", expand_down=1). That UDF also works with other vocabularies. I particularly like the combination of product-type, obscore, and gavo_vocmatch.

    If you wonder why gavo_vocmatch does not go on expanding towards narrower concepts as far as it can go: That is because what pyVO does is semantically somewhat questionable.

    You see, SKOS' notions of what is wider and narrower are not transitive. This means that just because A is wider than B and B is wider than C it is not certain that A is wider than C. In the UAT, this sometimes leads to odd results when you follow a branch of concepts toward narrower concepts, mostly because narrower sometimes means part-of (“Meronymy”) and sometimes is-a (“Hyponymy“). Here is an example discovered by my colleague Adrian Lucy:

    interstellar-medium wider nebulae wider emission-nebulae wider planetary-nebulae wider planetary-nebulae-nuclei

    Certainly, nobody would argue that that the central stars of planetary nebulae somehow are a sort of or are part of the interstellar medium, although each individual relationship in that chain makes sense as such.

    Since SKOS relationships are not transitive, gavo_vocmatch, being a general tool, has to stop at one level of expansion. By the way, it will not do that for the other flavours of IVOA vocabularies, which have other (transitive) notions of narrower-ness. With the UAT constraint, I have fewer scruples, in particular since the expansion depth is under user control.


    Talking about technicalities, let me use this opportunity to invite you to contribute your own Registry constraints to pyVO. They are not particularly hard to write if you know both ADQL and Python. You will find several examples – between trivial and service-sensing complex in pyvo.registry.rtcons. The code for UAT looks like this (documentation removed for clarity[3]):

    class UAT(SubqueriedConstraint):
        _keyword = "uat"
        _subquery_table = "rr.res_subject"
        _condition = "res_subject in {query_terms}"
        _uat = None
        def _expand(cls, term, level, direction):
            result = {term}
            new_concepts = cls._uat[term][direction]
            if level:
                for concept in new_concepts:
                    result |= cls._expand(concept, level-1, direction)
            return result
        def __init__(self, uat_keyword, *, expand_up=0, expand_down=0):
            if self.__class__._uat is None:
                self.__class__._uat = vocabularies.get_vocabulary("uat")["terms"]
            if uat_keyword not in self._uat:
                raise dalq.DALQueryError(
                    f"{uat_keyword} does not identify an IVOA uat"
                    " concept (see")
            query_terms = {uat_keyword}
            if expand_up:
                query_terms |= self._expand(uat_keyword, expand_up, "wider")
            if expand_down:
                query_terms |= self._expand(uat_keyword, expand_down, "narrower")
            self._fillers = {"query_terms": query_terms}

    Let me briefly describe what is going on here. First, we inherit from the base class SubqueriedConstraint. This is a class that takes care that your constraints are nicely encapsulated in a subquery, which generally is what you want in pyVO. Calmly adding natural joins as recommended by the RegTAP specification is a dangerous thing for pyVO because as soon as a resource matches your constraint more than once (think “columns with a given UCD”), the RegistryResult lists in pyVO will turn funny.

    To make a concrete SubqueriedConstraint, you have to fill out:

    • the table it will operate on, which is in the _subquery_table class attribute;
    • an expression suitable for a WHERE clause in the _condition attribute, which is a template for str.format. This is often computed in the constructor, but here it is just a constant expression and thus works fine as a class attribute;
    • a mapping _fillers mapping the substitutions in the _condition string template to Python values. PyVO's RegTAP machinery will worry about making SQL literals out of these, so feel free to just dump Python values in there. See the make_SQL_literal for what kinds of types it understands and expand it as necessary.

    There is an extra class attribute called _keyword. This is used by the pyvo.regtap machinery to let users say, for instance,"") instead of"")). This is a fairly popular shortcut when your constraints can be expressed as simple strings, but in the case of the UAT constraint you would be missing out on all the interesting functionality (viz., the query expansion that is only available through optional arguments to its constructor).

    This particular class has some extra logic. For one, we cache a copy of the UAT terms on first use at the class level. That is not critical for performance because caching already happens at the level of get_vocabulary; but it is convenient when we want query expansion in a class method, which in turn to me feels right because the expansion does not depend on the instance. If you don't grok the __class__ magic, don't worry. It's a nerd thing.

    More interesting is what happens in the _expand class method. This takes the term to expand, the number of levels to go, and whether to go up or down in the concept trees (which are of the computer science sort, i.e., with the root at the top) in the direction argument, which can be wider or narrower, following the names of properties in Desise, the format we get our vocabulary in. To learn more about Desise, see section 3.2 of Vocabularies in the VO 2.

    At each level, the method now collects the wider or narrower terms, and if there are still levels to include, calls itself on each new term, just with level reduced by one. I consider this a particularly natural application of recursion. Finally. everything coming back is merged into a set, which then is the return value.

    And that's really it. Come on: write your own RegTAP constraints, and also have fun with vocabularies. As you see here, it's really not that magic.

    [1]Also, just so you don't leave with the impression I don't believe in AI tech at all, something like SciX's KAILAS might also help improving Registry subject keywords.
    [2]Yes, in a little sleight of hand, I've switched the URI scheme to https here. That's not really right, because the term URIs are supposed to be opaque, but some browsers currently forget the fragment identifiers when the IVOA web server redirects them to https, and so https is safer for this demonstration. This is a good example of why the web would be a better place if http had been evolved to support transparent, client-controlled encryption (rather than inventing https).
    [3]I've always wanted to write this.
  • Towards Data Discovery in pyVO

    When I struggled with ways to properly integrate TAP services – which may have hundreds or thousands of different resources in one service – into the VO Registry without breaking what we already had, I realised that there are really two fundamentally different modes of using the VO Registry. In Discovering Data Collections's abstract I wrote:

    the Registry must support both VO-wide discovery of services by type ("service enumeration") and discovery by data collection ("data discovery").

    To illustrate the difference in a non-TAP case, suppose I have archived images of lensed quasars from Telescopes A, B, and C. All these image collections are resources in their own right and should be separately findable when people look for “resources with data from Telescope A“ or perhaps “images obtained between 2011-01-01 and 2011-12-31”.

    However, when a machine wants to find all images at a certain position, publishing the three resources through three different services would mean that that machine has to do three requests where one would work just as well. That is very relevant when you think about how the VO will evolve: At this point there are 342 SIAP services in the VO, and when you read this, that number may have grown further. Adding one service per collection will simply not scale when we want to keep the possibility of all-VO searches. Since I claim that is a very desirably thing, we need to enable collective services covering multiple subordinate resources.

    So, while in the first (“data discovery”) case one wants to query (or at least discover) the three resources separately, in the second case they should be ignored, and only a collective “images of lensed quasars” service should be queried.

    The technical solution to this requirement was creating “auxliary capabilities” as discribed in the endorsed note on discoving data collections cited above. But these of course need client support; VO clients up to now by and large do service enumeration, as that has been what we started with in the VO Registry. Client support would, roughly, mean that clients would present their users with data collections, and then offer the various ways to to access them.

    There are quite a number of technicalities involved in why that's not terribly straightforward for the “big” clients like TOPCAT and Aladin (though Aladin's discovery tree already comes rather close).

    Now that quite a number of people use pyVO interactively in jupyter notebooks, extending pyVO's registry interface to do data discovery in addition to the conventional service enumeration becomes an attractive target to have data discovery in practice.

    I have hence created pyVO PR #289. I think some the rough edges will need to be smoothed out before it can be merged, but meanwhile I'd be grateful if you could try it out already. To facilitate that, I have prepared a jupyter notebook that shows the basic ideas.

    Followup (2023-12-15)

    I have just prepared a slightly updated version of the notebook.

    To run it while the PR is not merged, you need to install the forked pyVO. In order to not clobber your main installation, you can install astropy using your package manager and then do the following (assuming your shell is bash or something suitably similar):

    virtualenv --system-site-packages try-discoverdata
    . try-discoverdata/bin/activate
    cd try-discoverdata
    git clone
    cd pyvo
    git checkout add-discoverdata
    python3 develop
    ipython3 notebook

    That should open a browser window in which you can open the notebook (you probably want to download it into the pyvo checkout in order to make the notebook selector see it). Enjoy!

  • Query the Registry with WIRR

    Search windows of VODesktop and WIRR

    Pixels from venerable VODesktop and WIRR: it's supposed to be about the same thing, except WIRR uses and exposes the latest Registry standards (and then some tech that's not standard yet).

    When the VO was young, there was a programme called VODesktop that had a very nice interface for searching the Registry. Also, it would run queries against the services discovered, giving nice all-VO querying that few modern clients do quite as elegantly. Regrettably, when the astrogrid UK project was de-funded, VODesktop's development ceased in 2010.

    In 2012, it had become clear that nobody would step up to continue it, and I wanted to at least provide a replacement for the Registry interface part. In consequence, Florian Rothmaier and I wrote the Web Interface to the Relational Registry, or WIRR for short; this lets you build Registry queries in your Web Browser in an interface inspired by VODesktop (which, I'm told, in turn was inspired by early iTunes).

    WIRR's sweet spot is between the Registry interfaces in the usual clients (TOPCAT, Aladin: these try to hide the gory details of where their service lists come from and hence are limited in what interaction they allow) and using a TAP client to write and execute RegTAP queries (where there are no limitations beyond the protocol's, but it's tedious unless you happen to know the RegTAP standard by heart).

    In contrast to its model VODesktop, WIRR cannot run any queries against the services discovered using it. But you can transfer the services you have found to clients via SAMP (TOPCAT can handle the relevant MTypes, but I'm frankly not sure what else). Apart from that, an obvious use for WIRR are the queries one needs in VO curation. For instance, I keep linking to it when sending people canned registry queries, as in the section on claiming an authority in the DaCHS Tutorial.

    Given that both Javascript and the Registry have evolved a lot in the past decade, WIRR was in need of a major redecoration for some time now, and in early July, I found some time to do it. The central result is that the code is now halfway modern, strict Javascript; let's see how many web browsers still run that can't execute this.

    On the surface, much less has changed, but there are some news I'd consider noteworthy and that might help your data discovery-fu:

    • Since I've added some constraint types, the constraint type selector is now a hierarchical box, sporting what I think are or should be the most common constraint types (full text, service type and UAT term) on level 0 and then having “Blind Discovery“, “Finer Grained“, and “Special Effects“ as pop-ups; all this so we obey Miller's Rule of Seven.
    • Rather than explain the constraints on a second, separate page, there are now brief help texts coming with each constaint.
    • You can now match against UAT concepts, and there is a completing input box for them; in case you're wondering what this is about, see this post from last February. And yes, next time I'll play with WIRR I'll probably include SemBaReBro here.
    • When constraining by column UCD, you can now choose from UCDs found in the registry (the “Pick one“ button).
    • You can now constrain by spatial, temporal, and spectral coverage, though that's still a gamble because not many (or, actually, very few in the case of temporal and spectral) operators care to declare their services' coverage. When they don't, you won't see their resources with such blind discovery constraints. For some background on this, check Space and Time not lost on the Registry on this blog.
    • There is now a „SQL“ button with successful searches that lets you retrieve the SQL executed for the particular constraint. While that query does not immediately execute on RegTAP services (it's Postgres' SQL rather than ADQL), it ought to give you a head start when transplanting your Registry query into, say, a pyVO-based script.
    • You can now use your browser's back and forward buttons (or, in my case. key bindings) to navigate in your query history.

    What this still doesn't do: Work without Javascript. That's a bit of a disgrace, since after the last changes it would actually be reasonable to provide non-javascript fallbacks for some of the basic functionality (of course, no SAMP at all then…). I'll do it the first time someone asks. Promised.

    A document that now needs at least slight updates because things have moved about a bit is the data discovery use case Florian wrote back then. The updates absolutely necessary are not terribly involved, but I would like to use the opportunity to add a bit more spice to the tutorial. If you have ideas: I'm all ears.

    Oh, and before I close: you can still run VODesktop; kudos to the maintainers of the JVM for that. But it's nevertheless not really usable any more, which perhaps isn't too surprising for a client built on top of experimental online services ten years ago. For one, its TAP client speaks pre-release versions of both TAP and ADQL, so those won't work on modern TAP services (and the ancient ones have vanished). Worse, it needed to use a non-standard extension of RegTAP's predecessor (for those old enough to remember: it used XQuery), and none of the modern searchable registries understands that any more.

    Which is a pity, really. It's been a fine programme. It just was a few years early: By 2012, everything it needed has been defined in nice, stable standards that are still around and probably will be for another decade at least.

  • Semantics, Cross-Discipline Discovery, and Down-To-Earth Code

    Boxes-and-arrows view of the UAT

    A tiny piece of the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus as viewed by Sembarebro – the IVOA logos sit on terms that have VO resoures on them.

    Sometimes people ask me (in particular when I'm wearing my hat as the current chair of the IVOA Semantics working group) “well, what's this semantics thing good for?“ There are many answers, but here's one that nicely meshes with my pet subject data discovery: You want hierarchical, agreed-upon word lists to bridge discipline gaps.

    This story starts with B2FIND, a cross-disciplinary metadata aggregator for science data run within the framework of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). GAVO (or, more precisely, Heidelberg University's Astronomy) is involved in the EOSC via the ESCAPE project, and so I have had the pleasure of interacting with B2FIND for a while now. In particular, they are harvesting the metadata records of the Virtual Observatory Registry from us.

    This of course requires a bit of mapping, because the VO's metadata formats (VOResource, VODataService, and several extensions; see 2014A&C.....7..101D to learn more) are far too fine-grained for the wider scientific public. Not even our good friends from high-energy physics would appreciate being served links to, say, TAP endpoints (yet!). So, on our end we're mapping to the Datacite metadata kernel, which from VOResource is just a piece of XSL away (plus some perhaps debatable conventions).

    But there's more to this mapping, such as vocabularies of subject keywords. You might argue that in the age of rapid full text searches, keywords are dead. I would beg to disagree. For example, with good, hierarchical keyword systems you can, among many other useful things, offer topical browsing of metadata repositories. While it might not quite qualify as “useful” yet, the SemBaReBro registry browser I've hacked together late last year would be an example for such facilities – and might become part of our WIRR Registry searching tool one day.

    On the topic of subject keywords VOResource says that resources in the VO should be using the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus, specifically in its IVOA incarnation (not quite true yet, but true enough by blog standards). While few do, I've done a mapping of existing keywords in the VO to UAT concepts, which is what's behind SemBaReBro. So: most VO resources now have UAT concepts.

    However, these include concepts like AM Canum Venaticorum Stars, which outside of rather specialised circles of astronomers few people will ever have heard about (which, don't get me wrong, I personally regret – they're funky star systems). Hence, B2FIND does not bother with those.

    When we discussed the subject mapping for B2FIND, we thought using the UAT's top-level concepts might be a good start. However, at that point no VO resources at all actually used these, and, indeed, within astronomy that generally wouldn't make a lot of sense, because they are to unspecific to help much within the discipline. I postponed and then forgot about the problem – when the keywords of the resources weren't even from UAT, solving the granularity mismatch just wasn't humanly possible.

    That was the state of affairs until last Tuesday, when I had a mumble session with B2FIND folks and the topic came up again. And now, thanks partly to the new desise format proposed in the current Vocabularies in the VO 2 draft, things fell nicely into place: Hey, I have UAT concepts, and mapping these to the top-level terms isn't hard either any more.

    So, B2FIND gets the toplevel keywords they've been expecting all the time starting today. Yes: This isn't a panacea suddenly solving all the problems of cross-discipline data discovery, not the least because it's harder than one might think to imagine how such a thing would look like in practice. But given the complexities involved I was positively surprised how easy this particular part of the equation was.

    From here on, there's a bit of tech babble I intend to re-use in the RFC of Vocabularies in the VO 2; don't feel bad if you skip it.

    The first step was to make the mapping from UAT terms to the toplevel terms. The interesting part of the source I'm linking to here is:

    def get_roots_for(term, uat_terms):
      roots, seen = set(), set()
      def follow(t):
        wider = uat_terms[t]["wider"]
        if not wider:
          if not t in ROOT_TERMS:
            raise Exception(
              f"{t} found as a top-level term")
          for wider in uat_terms[t]["wider"]:
      return roots

    There, uat_terms is essentially just a json-decode of what you get from the vocabulary URI if you ask for desise (see the draft spec linked to above for the technicalities). That's really it, and it even defends against cycles in the concept graph (which are legal by SKOS but shouldn't happen in the UAT) and detached terms (i.e., ones that are not rooted in the top-level terms). For what it does, I claim that's remarkably compact code.

    Once I had that, I needed to get the UAT-mapped subject keywords for the records I'm serving to datacite and fiddle the corresponding roots back in. That's technically a bit more involved because I am producing the datacite records on the fly from the XML representation for VOResource records that I keep in the database, and there's a bit of namespace magic involved (full code). Plus, the UAT-mapped keywords are only kept in the database, not in the metadata records.

    Still, the core operation here is relatively straightforward. Consider:

    def addUATToplevels(dataciteTree):
      # dataciteTree is an (lxml) ElementTree for the
      # result of the XSL transformation.  That's all
      # I have, and thus I first have to fiddle out
      # the identifier we are talking about
      ivoid =  dataciteTree.xpath(
          namespaces={"d": DATACITE_NS}
      # The .lower() is necessary because ivoids
      # unfortunately are case-insensitive, and RegTAP
      # normalises them to lowercase to retain sanity.
      # Now pull the UAT-mapped subject keywords from
      # our RegTAP extension (getTableConn is
      # DaCHS-internal API, but there's no magic in
      # there, it's just connection pooling with
      # guarantees against connections  idle in
      # transaction).
      with base.getTableConn() as conn:
        subjects = set(r[0] for r in
          conn.query("SELECT uat_concept"
            " FROM rr.subject_uat"
            " WHERE ivoid=%(ivoid)s", locals()))
      # This is the mapping itself: we do
      # roots-subjects to avoid adding
      # root terms that are already in
      # the record itself.  UAT_TOPLEVELS is the result
      # of the root finding discussed above.
      for term in subjects:
        root = UAT_TOPLEVELS[term]
        newRoots |= (root-subjects)
      # And finally fiddle in any new root terms found
      # into the datacite tree
      if newRoots:
        subjects = dataciteTree.xpath(
          namespaces={"d": DATACITE_NS})[0]
        for root in newRoots:
          newSubject = etree.SubElement(subjects,
          newSubject.text = root

    Apart from the technicalities I'd again say that's pretty satisfying code.

    And these two pieces of code are really all I had to do to map between the vocabularies of different granularities – which I claim will probably be the norm as metadata flows between disciplines.

    It's great to see the pieces of a fairly comples puzzle fall into place like that.

  • HTTPS in DaCHS

    Browser windows with and without HTTPS.

    Another little aspect of HTTPS support in DaCHS: In the web interface, the webSAMP button must disappear in pages served through HTTPS: it simply wouldn't work.

    (Warning: No astronomy-relevant content at all this time).

    I can't say I'm a big fan of the mighty push towards HTTPS that's going on right now – as I'm arguing in the updated operator's guide it doesn't do people's privacy a lot of good (compared to, say, pushing for browsers to not execute Javascript by default or have DNSSEC widely deployed), but it's a fairly substantial operational liability. With HTTPS, operators have to deal with cryptographic material, regularly update their certificates, restart their services in time and assemble the whole thing correctly (don't get me started about proxying, SNI, and all those horrors). Users, on the other hand, have to keep their CA certificates in order, in particular when they do programmatic VO access, where the browser vendors, their employers and who knows who else doesn't do it for them. Pop quiz: How would you install a new CA certificate on your box? And will your default browser see it?

    But on the other hand, there are some scenarios in which HTTPS makes sense, and I can remotely fantasise that some of those may even be relevant to the VO. And people have been asking for HTTPS in DaCHS a number of times, at times even because their administrations urged them to switch. So, here it is, hopefully. Turning it on is reasonably easy when you use Letsencrypt (which in particular entails having ports 80 and 443); the section on Letencrypt in the operator's guide tells what to do. In particular don't forget the cron job, because without it, things would break after three months (when the initial certificate expires).

    Things get difficult after that. For one, if your box is known under several names (our data center, for instance, can be reached as any of,, and; this of course also includes things like and, you'll now have to tell DaCHS about it in the new [web]alternateHostnames configuration item; for instance, we have:


    in our /etc/gavo.rc.

    And then the Registry has to know you have https. There's actually no convention for that in the VO yet. But since I'd really like to have at least fallback interfaces with plain HTTP, we'll have to come up with something. For now, my plan is to have the alternative protocol (i.e., HTTPS for sites that have an HTTP-serverURL and vice versa) using the brand-new VOResource 1.1 mirrorURLs (in RegTAP 1.1, they are in the mirror_url column rr.interface). To make DaCHS declare the alternate URLs, set [web]registerAlternative to True.

    Another change I've introduced for HTTPS is that the default HTML template for the form renderer (i.e., the one people use who come with a browser) now suppresses the SAMP button if the request came in through HTTPS; that's because WebSAMP doesn't work with HTTPS and probably never will – at least I can't see a way to make it happen without totally wrecking what security guarantees HTTPS gives.

    All this doesn't yet cater for the case when you use a reverse proxy to terminate HTTPS. If you are in that situation, please talk to me so we can figure out a sane way for you explain to DaCHS what to tell the Registry.

    Anyway, if you want to try things out, just switch to the beta repostitory and upgrade. Feedback is highly welcome.

    Oh, and if you're a client developer: Our data center is now reachable through HTTPS (at, and we already have pushed the records with mirrorURLs declaring HTTPS support to the RegTAP service at (the others will have to wait a bit longer, as we haven't re-published our registry records yet (it's all experimental, after all).

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